Tuesday 9 October 2012



This blog is a follow on from my TTC/pregnancy blog 'Journey to a Baby'. For those who don't know me I'll give you some brief details!

I'm Emma. I'm 18 and I live in Essex with my fiance Dave, who's 28, and our son, Julian. 

Julian was born at 6:20pm on the 6th of August 2012, at 39 weeks gestation. He weighed 7lb 0.5oz. When I was pregnant I wanted a natural water birth, but as many of you will know, any birth plans you have end up going straight out the window! I ended up having a natural birth, with only gas and air for pain relief. My labour ended up progressing pretty quickly, and I didn't have time to get in the pool!

Fast forward to today, and Julian is now 9 weeks old, and the most perfect child I could ever wish for. He started smiling a few weeks ago, which is the cutest thing in the world! He now goes to bed at 9pm and wakes at 6:30am. I exclusively breastfeed, on demand, and it's going really well. When he was weighed at 8 weeks he was 10lb 8oz!

Julian loves bath time, being naked, milk, and cuddles with mummy and daddy. He also loves watching TV! Well, looking at the lights and colours anyway. Embarrassingly, he has a thing for The Jeremy Kyle Show. We'll have to wean him off that when he starts to understand what they're saying!


I'm going to try and update this blog as often as possible with all of Julian's achievements and any parenting things that I feel the need to share! Thanks for reading!

Emma x

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